
Affectionate Mother and Daughter Sitting on Sofa
Me Today v2

About Me

My name is Catherine Annette Limón, and I was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. I have had a wonderful career as a violinist, performing and teaching across the Front Range of Colorado and also in California, New Mexico and British Columbia. I hold a Masters Degree in Violin Performance and teaching from the University of Denver. My violin, without a doubt, has been a saving grace for me because my life has been so impacted by buried memories of early-childhood sexual abuse. I do not have cognitive memories of the abuse, because I was too little to have a context, language, or understanding of what was happening to me. From the ages of 1 1/2 to 17 years, when I could finally get away from my father and abuser, I experienced profound physical, emotional and psychological abuse. The abuse has severely impacted my life, especiallyl the buried memories of it, which have started to come out only In the last three or four years. The memories manifest as intense body and emotional flashbacks, which are agonizing. The only way I have been able to process all of this is with many years of therapy, especially Complex PTSD therapy in the form of EMDR and Brain Spotting.

Had I been able to realize my dreams, my career as a violinist would likely have been more prestigious, perhaps with me becoming a University Professor of Violin, a violinist with a major orchestra and/or a member of a well-known chamber ensemble. Combatting fatigue, depression, and low self-esteem, I had mixed results with auditions—sometimes winning positions in first violin sections or concertmaster positions. Other times, I would be so nervous, and I would inexplicably become unable to play pieces I had practiced and knew so well that I had them memorized. This is the nature of auditions for many musicians, and it is of paramount importance that you keep practicing and keep going for positions. The difference for me is that when I did not do well, I was so devastated that I could not continue to pursue auditions.

The times when I was not teaching or performing, I had so little energy that I mostly slept. I went through the motions in life—not really able to connect with anyone or anything. I was polite, appropriate, and I tried to do and say all the right things to please other people. I loved to spend time alone, and it was like there was a transparent wall between me and life.

It is only very recently that I feel that I have come home to my essential self. I now have rich and fulfilling connections with people and life in general. I am excited and truly creative for the first time. My passion and mission is to end sexual abuse of children in all of its forms. I envision a world where children are loved and treasured, and abuse of any kind does not exist.

Transmutation: The action of changing or the state of being changed into another form. In Alchemy, transmutation is the process of changing an element from one form to another form, i.e., lead to pure gold.

As a Certified Life Coach trained by the Life Coach Institute in Colorado Springs, CO, my mission and vision revolve around eradicating all forms of sexual abuse, particularly the critical issue of childhood sexual abuse, which I am passionately committed to ending.

My dedication to ending sexual abuse stems from my personal experiences of early childhood abuse, which I have been diligently uncovering and healing from throughout my life. While my own journey of healing continues, my goal is to support and guide others on their unique paths toward self-discovery and transformation.

My Purpose:
Empowering You on Your Healing Path

In sharing my story, I aim to connect with you on a deeper level, listening attentively to your experiences while drawing from my own to provide meaningful insights and strategies for healing. Ultimately, I aim to empower and guide you as you embark on your transformative and transcendent journey back to your authentic self, enabling you to discover your own path to healing and inner peace.

Two Women Relax on a Couch